NTE Electronics
The NTE744 is a monolithic silicon integrated circuit that provides an rf amplifier, if amplifier, mixer, oscillator, AGC detector, and voltage regulator on a single chip. It is intended for use in super–heterodyne AM radio receiver applications particularly in automobiles. The NTE744 is supplied in a 14–lead dual–in–line plastic package and operates over the temperature range of –55° to 125°C.
• Low–noise, low–Rb, rf stage in cascode connection–eliminates Miller–Effect regeneration and allows controlled power rise by the choice of external components.
• Mixer–oscillator stage with internal feedback–eliminates need for tapped or multi–winding os cillator coils
• Cascode if amplifier with controlled output impedance and negligible Miller Effect–eliminates regeneration and selectivity skewing
• Frequency–counter AGC circuit–allows control of AGC response by selection of the coupling capacitor.
• Integral regulation with built–in surge protection
• Separately accessible amplifiers