NTE Electronics
The NTE2088 is a High voltage, high current Darlington array in a 16–Lead DIP type package designed as an interface between low–level logic and a variety of peripheral loads such as relays, solenoids, DC and stepper motors, multiplexed LED and incandescent displays, heaters, and similar loads to 480 Watts (1.5A per output, 80V, 26% duty cycle).
This device has a minimum output breakdown of 50V and a minimum VCE(sus) of 35V measured at 100mA, or a minimum output breakdown of 80V and a minimum VCE(sus) of 50V.
A copper–alloy lead frame provides maximum power dissipation using standard cooling methods. This lead configuration facilitates attachment of external heat sinks for increased power dissipation with standard IC sockets and printed wiring boards.
• TTL, DTL, PMOS, CMOS Compatible Inputs
• Transient–Protected Outputs
• Loads to 480 Watts
• Heat Sink Contact Tabs on Quad Arrays