NTE Electronics
The NTE15003 is a picture IF subsystem that provides 3–stage IF amplifier, Video Detector, black and white noise inverting circuits and AFT detector for a TV receiver. The NTE15003 also provides internal fast response AGC with dual time constants for the IF amplifier stages and delayed AGC for an external RF amplifier stage. It is designed for FET top front–end (reverse AGC).
• High Input Sensitivity 3–Stage IF Amplifier: 58.75MHz 100µVRMS Type
• Gain Reduction with Excellent Stability: Reduction Range 65dB Typ
• Video Detector with Linear Characteristics
• Black and White Noise Inverting Circuits
• Balanced AFT Output
• Improved Fast AGC Response
• Delayed AGC Output for a Front–End FET Top Front–End
• Minimal External Components and Adjustments Required