Japan Radio Corporation
NJG1720PB1 is a front-end GaAs MMIC including a Dual LNA, inverter, a local amplifier and a mixer, designed mainly for 800MHz band cellular phone handsets. The LNAs switching is made by 2 bit control signal by using inverter circuit included in this IC. The ultra small and thin FFP12-B1 is applied.
Low Voltage Operation +2.8V typ.
Low Current Consumpti0n +8.7mA typ
Low Control Current 20uA typ.
High gain 17.5dB typ. @f=830MHz
17.5dB typ. @f=840MHz
Low noise figure 1.5dB typ. @f=830MHz
1.5dB typ. @f=840MHz
High input IP3 -7dBm typ. @f=830.0+830.1MHz
-7dBm typ. @f=840.0+840.1MHz
High conversion gain 11.5dB typ. @f=840MHz
Low noise figure 5.5dB typ. @f=840MHz
High input IP3 3.0dBmtyp.
High RF to LO ISL 35dB typ.
@ fMIXIN=840MHz, PMIXIN=0dBm
Ultra small & thin package FFP12-B1 (Package size: 2.0x2.0x0.85mm)