The Intel UPI-452 (Universal Peripheral Interface) is a 68 pin CHMOS Slave I/O Processor with a sophisticated bi-directional FIFO buffer interface on the slave bus and a two channel DMA processor on-chip. The UPI-452 is the newest member of Intels UPI family of products. It is a general-purpose slave I/O Processor that allows the designer to grow a customized interface solution.
■ 83C452/80C452:3.5 to 14 MHz Clock Rate
■ Software Compatible with the MCS-51 Family
■ 128-Byte Bi-Directional FIFO Slave Interface
■ Two DMA Channels
■ 256 c 8-Bit Internal RAM
■ 34 Additional Special Function Registers
■ 40 Programmable I/O Lines
■ Two 16-Bit Timer/Counters
■ Boolean Processor
■ Bit Addressable RAM
■ 8 Interrupt Sources
■ Programmable Full Duplex Serial Channel
■ 64K Program Memory Space
■ 64K Data Memory Space
■ 68-Pin PGA and PLCC (See Packaging Spec., Order: Ý231369)