The 8XC151SA/SB has an MCS 51 microcontroller compatible instructon set. It is available in 40-pin PDIP and 44-lead PLCC compatible with the MCS 51 microcontroller. The 8XC151SA/SB has 256 bytes of on-chip RAM and is available in 8/16 Kbytes of on-chip ROM/OTPROM or without ROM/OTPROM. A variety of new features such as programmable wait states, page mode and extended ALE can be selected using the new user-programmable configuration.
■ MCSÉ 51 Microcontroller Compatible Instruction Set
■ Pin Compatible with 44-lead PLCC and 40-lead PDIP MCS 51 Sockets
■ Fast Instruction Pipeline
■ 16-bit Internal Code Fetch
■ 8-bit, Min 2-clock External Code Fetch in Page Mode
■ User-selectable Configurations:
— External Wait States (0-3 wait states)
— Page Mode
■ 64K External Code Memory Space
■ 64K External Data Memory Space
■ ROM/OTPROM Options: 8 Kbytes (SA), 16 Kbytes (SB) or without ROM/OTPROM
■ 256 Bytes On-Chip RAM
■ Power Management
— Idle Mode
— Powerdown Mode
■ 32 Programmable I/O Lines
■ Seven Maskable Interrupt Sources with Four Programmable Priority Levels
■ Three Flexible 16-bit Timer/counters
■ Hardware Watchdog Timer
■ Programmable Counter Array
— High-speed Output
— Compare/Capture Operation
— Pulse Width Modulator
— Watchdog Timer
■ Programmable Serial I/O Port
— Framing Error Detection
— Automatic Address Recognition
■ High-performance CHMOS Technology
■ Static Standby to 16-MHz Operation
■ Package Options (PDIP, PLCC)