Oki Electric Industry
The MSM9210 is a full CMOS controller/driver for Duplex or Triplex (1/2 duty or 1/3 duty) vacuum fluorescent display tube. It consists of a 32-segment driver multiplexed to drive up to 96 segments, and 10-bit digital dimming circuit.
MSM9210 features a selection of a master mode and a slave mode, and therefore it can be used to expand segments for the VFD driver with keyscan and A/D converter function.
MSM9210 provides an interface with a microcontroller only by three signal lines: DATA IN, CLOCK and CS.
• Logic supply voltage (VDD) : 4.5 to 5.5V
• Driver supply voltage (VDISP) : 8 to 18V
• Duplex/Triplex (1/2 duty / 1/3 duty) selectable
DUP/TRI=1/2 duty selectable at "H" level
DUP/TRI=1/3 duty selectable at "L" level
• Number of display segments
Max. 64-segment display (during 1/2 duty mode)
Max. 96-segment display (during 1/3 duty mode)
• Master/Slave selectable
M/S=Master mode selectable at "H" level
M/S=Slave mode selectable at "L" level
• Interface with a microcontroller
Three lines: CS, CLOCK, and DATA IN
• 32-segment driver outputs : IOH=–5mA at VOH=VDISP–0.8V (SEG1 to 22)
(can be directly connected to VFD tube : IOH=–10mA at VOH=VDISP–0.8V (SEG23 to 32)
and require no external resisters) : IOL=500μA at VOL=2V (SEG1 to 32)
• 3-grid pre-driver outputs : IOH=–5.0mA at VOH=VDISP–0.8V
(require external drivers) IOL=10mA at VOL=2V
• Logic outputs : IOH=–200μA at VOH=VDD–0.8V
IOL=200μA at VOL=0.8V
• Built-in digital dimming circuit (10-bit resolution)
• Built-in oscillation circuit (external R and C)
• Built-in Power-On-Reset circuit
• Package options:
56-pin plastic QFP (QFP56-P-910-0.65-2K) Product name: MSM9210GS-2K
64-pin plastic QFP (QFP64-P-1414-0.80-BK) Product name: MSM9210GS-BK