Oki Electric Industry
The MSM80C86A-10 is complete 16-bit CPUs implemented in Silicon Gate CMOS technology. They are designed with same processing speed as the NMOS 8086-1 but have considerably less power consumption. It is directly compatible with MSM80C88A-10 software and MSM80C85AH hardware and peripherals.
• 1 Mbyte Direct Addressable Memory Space
• Internal 14-word by 16-bit Register Set
• 24-Operand Addressing Modes
• Bit, Byte, Word and String Operations
• 8 and 16-bit Signed and Unsigned Arithmetic Operation
• From DC to 10 MHz Clock Rate (Note)
• Low Power Dissipation 10 mA/MHz
• Bus Hold Circuitry Eliminated Pull-up Resistors
• 40-pin Plastic DIP (DIP40-P-600-2.54): (Product name: MSM80C86A-10RS)
• 44-pin Plastic QFJ (QFJ44-P-S650-1.27): (Product name: MSM80C86A-10JS)
• 56-pin Plastic QFP (QFP56-P-1519-1.00-K): (Product name: MSM80C86A-10GS-K)