Oki Electric Industry
The MSM65516 is a high-performance 8-bit microcontroller that employs OKI original nX-8/50 CPU core. With a minimum instruction execution time of 400 ns (10MHz clock), the MSM65516 is capable of high-speed processing, and includes 32K bytes of program memory, 640 bytes of data memory, timers and serial ports. Also available are the MSM65P516, which replaces the on chip program memory with one-time PROM, and the MSM65X516, which uses external program memory.
• Operating range
Operating frequency : 0 to 10MHz (VDD=4.5 to 5.5V)
0 to 5MHz (VDD=2.7 to 5.5V)
Operating voltage : 2.7 to 5.5V
Operating temperature : –40 to +85°C
• Memory space : 64K bytes
Internal program memory : 32K bytes
Internal data memory : 640 bytes
• Minimum instruction execution time : 400ns @ 10MHz
• Powerful instruction set : 83 basic instructions
8/16-bit operation instructions
Bit manipulation instructions
Compound function instructions
• Abundant addressing modes
• Multiplication/division operation functions : 8 X 8 → 16
16 ÷ 8 → 16... 8
• I/O port
Input-output port : 6 ports X 8 bits
Input port : 1 port X 8 bits
• Timers : 8-bit auto-reload timer X 2
16-bit auto-reload timer X 1
Watchdog timer X 1
• Counters : Time base counter X 1
16-bit free-running counter X 1
• Capture input : 1 channel
• Compare output : 2 channels
• Serial ports : Shift register X 1
Serial port with baud rate generator
(UART/Synchronous) X 1
• External interrupts : 3
• Interrupt sources : 15
• Package
64-pin plastic shrink DIP (SDIP64-P-750-1.78) : (MSM65516-XXXSS, MSM65P516-XXXSS)
64-pin plastic QFP (QFP64-P-1414-0.80-BK) : (MSM65516-XXXGS-BK, MSM65P516-XXXGS BK)
68-pin plastic QFJ (PLCC) (QFJ68-P-S950-1.27) : (MSM65516-XXXJS, MSM65P516-XXXJS)
XXX indicates the code number.