Oki Electric Industry
The MSM64162A is a low power 4-bit microcontroller that employs Okis original CPU core nX- 4/20.
The MSM64162A has 2-channel RC oscillation type A/D converter, LCD driver for up to 80 segments, and buzzer output port. It is best suited for applications such as low power, high precision thermometers and hygrometers.
• Operating range
Operating frequencies : 32.768 kHz, 400 kHz
Operating voltage : 1.25 to 1.7 V (1.5 V spec.)
2.0 to 3.5 V (3 V spec.)
2.2 to 3.5 V (3 V spec., 1/2 duty)
Operating temperature : –40 to +85°C
• Memory space
Internal program memory : 2016 bytes
Internal data memory : 128 nibbles
• Minimum instruction execution time : 7.5 ms @ 400 kHz
91.6 ms @ 32.768 kHz
• RC oscillation type A/D converter : 2 channels
Time division 2-channel method
• LCD driver : 24 outputs
(1) At 1/4 duty and 1/3 bias : 80 segments (max)
(2) At 1/3 duty and 1/3 bias : 63 segments (max)
(3) At 1/2 duty and 1/2 bias : 44 segments (max)
Voltage Regulator for LCD Driver (selectable by mask option)
The LCD panel display is stable regardless of temporary supply voltage drop, because
the voltage generated by the voltage regulator for LCD driver is supplied to the bias
voltage generator as a reference voltage.
LCD Operating Voltage
When the voltage regulator for LCD driver is used
: 3.6 V (Duty cycle = 1/4 or 1/3)
2.4 V (Duty cycle = 1/2)
When the voltage regulator for LCD driver is not used
: 4.5 V (Duty cycle = 1/4 or 1/3)
3.0 V (Duty cycle = 1/2)
• Buzzer driver : 1 output (4 output modes selectable)
• Capture circuit : 2 channels
• Watchdog timer
• Clock : 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator and 400 kHz RC
oscillator (with an external resistor)
CPU clock : 32.768 kHz/400 kHz (switchable by software)
Time base clock : 32.768 kHz
• Power supply voltage : 1.5 V/3 V (selectable by mask option)
• I/O port
Input-output port : 2 ports x 4 bits
Input port : 1 port x 4 bits
Output port : 1 port x 4 bits
(8 out of the 24 LCD driver outputs can be used
as output-only ports by mask option.)
• Interrupt sources
External interrupt : 2 sources
Internal interrupt : 7 sources
• Battery check circuit : 1 (incorporated into the input-only port)
• Package:
80-pin plastic QFP (QFP80-P-1420-0.80-BK) : (Product name : MSM64162A-XXXGS-BK)
Chip : (Product name : MSM64162A-XXX)
XXX indicates a code number.