Motorola => Freescale
POWER OPTO™ Isolator 2 Amps Random–Phase Triac Output
This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a random phase triac driver circuit and a power triac. It is capable of driving a load of up to 2 amps (rms) directly, on line voltages from 20 to 280 volts AC (rms).
• Provides Normally Open Solid State AC Output with 2 Amp Rating
• 70 Amp Single Cycle Surge Capability
• Phase Controllable
• High Input-Output Isolation of 3750 vac (rms)
• Static dv/dt Rating of 400 Volts/µs Guaranteed
• 2 Amp Pilot Duty Rating Per UL508 117 (Overload Test)
and 118 (Endurance Test) [File No. 129224]
• CSA Approved [File No. CA77170-1]. VDE Approval in Process.
• Exceeds NEMA 2-230 and IEEE472 Noise Immunity Test Requirements
(See Figure 17)