MMA7361L_ 데이터시트 - Freescale Semiconductor

Freescale Semiconductor
The DEMOAPEXSENSOR is an experimental sensor board focused on pressure with a variety of applications built into the demo. These include: Altimeter, Barometer, Barometer Alarm, Weather station, Waterlevel, Waterlevel Alarm, Tilt, Free Fall, and Temperature Sensing. The board has been designed as a standalone board to be interfaced currently via an LCD display and menu buttons. The multiple functions of the Altitude Pressure EXperimental (APEX) Sensor board are possible with the use of Freescale’s sensors. This kit has the following: MPL115A2, MPXM2102A, MPXV5004G pressure sensors with an MMA7361L accelerometer. The demo makes use of Freescale’s Flexis MC9S08JM60 8-bit microcontroller. Figure 1 is an image of the DEMOAPEXSENSOR with important items highlighted.
PC Board Mountable Pressure Sensor
TE Connectivity
PC Board Mountable Pressure Sensor
TE Connectivity
PC Board Mountable Pressure Sensor
TE Connectivity
PC Board Mountable Pressure Sensor
TE Connectivity
PC Board Mountable Pressure Sensor
TE Connectivity
PC Board Mountable Pressure Sensor
TE Connectivity
PC Board Mountable Pressure Sensor
TE Connectivity
PC Board Mountable Pressure Sensor
TE Connectivity
PC Board Mountable Pressure Sensor
TE Connectivity
Pressure sensor
Festo Corporation.