MJ3202A 데이터시트 - Motorola => Freescale

Motorola => Freescale
Complementary NPN-PNP Silicon Power Bipolar Transistor
The MJ3281A and MJ1302A are PowerBase power transistors for high power audio, disk head positioners and other linear applications.
• Designed for 100 W Audio Frequency
• Gain Complementary:
— Gain Linearity from 100 mA to 7 A
— High Gain — 60 to 175
— hFE = 45 (Min) @ IC = 8 A
• Low Harmonic Distortion
• High Safe Operation Area — 1 A/100 V @ 1 sec
• High fT — 30 MHz Typical
Complementary NPN-PNP Silicon Power Bipolar Transistors ( Rev : 2008 )
ON Semiconductor
Complementary NPN−PNP Silicon Power Bipolar Transistors
ON Semiconductor
Complementary NPN-PNP Silicon Power Bipolar Transistors ( Rev : 2002 )
ON Semiconductor
Complementary NPN−PNP Silicon Power Bipolar Transistors ( Rev : 2006 )
ON Semiconductor
Complementary NPN-PNP Silicon Power Bipolar Transistors
Motorola => Freescale
Complementary NPN-PNP Silicon Power Bipolar Transistors
ON Semiconductor
Complementary NPN-PNP Silicon Power Bipolar Transistors
ON Semiconductor
Dual NPN+PNP complementary Bipolar transistor
Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
Complementary NPN-PNP Power Bipolar Transistors
ON Semiconductor
Complementary NPN-PNP Power Bipolar Transistors
ON Semiconductor