Motorola => Freescale
MC68SZ328 (DragonBall™ Super VZ) Integrated Portable System Processor Product Brief
The DragonBall series of microprocessors is specifically designed for advanced information appliances and messaging applications including PDAs, smart phones, web appliances, and next-generation wireless communicators. To meet these market needs, Motorola continues to build on the popularity of the DragonBall series with the introduction of the DragonBall Super VZ.
The DragonBall Super VZ is the fourth generation in the DragonBall series of products. DragonBall Super VZ is designed to save system and software designers’ time by reducing programming steps with increased software re-use, to decrease the overall system cost with additional on-chip peripherals, and to provide an increase in performance.
The major enhancements the new DragonBall Super VZ provides compared to previous versions of DragonBall processors include:
• Improved system speed
• TFT color LCD support
• A/D converter (ADC) with touch panel control
• MMC/SD and Memory Stick™ host controllers
• DMA controller
• Embedded SRAM
• USB device controller
• I2C interface
All these features combine to make the DragonBall Super VZ the microprocessor of choice among system designers. Its functionality and glue logic are optimally connected, timed with the same clock, fully tested, and uniformly documented. The primary package is a 196-pin MAP BGA designed to occupy the smallest possible footprint on your board.