Motorola => Freescale
Color Television Composite Video Overlay Synchronizer
The MC1378 is a bipolar composite video overlay encoder and microcomputer synchronizer. The MC1378 contains the complete encoder function of the MC1377, i.e., quadrature color modulators, RGB matrix, and blanking level clamps, plus a complete complement of synchronizers to lock
a microcomputer–based video source to any remote video source. The MC1378 can be used as a local system timing and encoding source, but it is most valuable when used to lock the microcomputer source to a remotely originated video signal.
•Contains All Needed Reference Oscillators
•Can Be Operated in PAL or NTSC Mode, 625 or 525 Line
•Wideband, Full–Fidelity Color Encoding
•Local or Remote Modes of Operation
•Minimal External Components
•Designed to Operate from 5.0 V supply
•Will Work with non standard Video