MBRD5100 데이터시트 - Shanghai Lunsure Electronic Tech

Shanghai Lunsure Electronic Tech
• Meatl of Silico n Rectifier, Majority Con ducton
• For surface mo unted app lications
• Low Forward Voltage Drop
• High Current Capability , High Efficiency
• Low Power Loss
5.0 Amp Schottky Barrier Rectifier 20 to 100 Volts ( Rev : V2 )
Micro Commercial Components
5.0 Amp Schottky Barrier Rectifier 20 to 100 Volts
Micro Commercial Components
20 Amp Schottky Barrier Rectifier 20 to 100 Volts
Kersemi Electronic Co., Ltd.
20 Amp Barrier Rectifier Schottky 20 to 100 Volts
( Rev : 2016 )
Micro Commercial Components
20 Amp Barrier Rectifier Schottky 20 to 100 Volts
Shanghai Lunsure Electronic Tech
20 Amp Schottky Barrier Rectifier 20 to 100 Volts
Micro Commercial Components
20 Amp Schottky Barrier Rectifier 20 to 100 Volts ( Rev : 2013 )
Micro Commercial Components
20 Amp Schottky Barrier Rectifier 20 to 100 Volts
Micro Commercial Components
20 Amp Schottky Barrier Rectifier 20 to 100 Volts
Micro Commercial Components
20 Amp Barrier Rectifier Schottky 20 to 100 Volts
( Rev : 2008 )
Micro Commercial Components