The MB89990 series microcontrollers contain various resources such as timers, external interrupts, and remotecontrol functions, as well as an F2MC*-8L CPU core for low-voltage and high-speed operations. These singlechip microcontrollers are suitable for small devices such as remote controllers incorporating compact packages.
• Minimum execution time: 0.95 µs at 4.2 MHz (VCC = 2.7 V)
• F2MC-8L family CPU core
• Two timers
8/16-bit timer/counter
20-bit timebase counter
• External interrupts
Edge detection (Edge selection enabled): 3 channels
Low-level interrupt (Wake-up function): 8 channels
• Internal remote-control transmission frequency generator
• Low-power consumption modes
Stop mode (Almost no current consumption occurs because oscillation stops.)
Sleep mode (The current consumption is about 1/3 of that during normal operation because the CPU stops.)
• Packages
SOP-28 and SH-DIP-28