Maxim Integrated
General Description
The MAX2440/MAX2441/MAX2442 highly integrated front-end receiver ICs provide the lowest cost solution for cordless phones and ISM-band radios operating in the 900MHz band. All devices incorporate receive image reject mixers to reduce filter cost. They operate with a +2.7V to +4.8V power supply, allowing direct connection to a 3-cell battery stack.
♦ Receive Mixer with 35dB Image Rejection
♦ Adjustable-Gain LNA
♦ Up to +2dBm Combined Receiver Input IP3
♦ 4dB Combined Receiver Noise Figure
♦ Low Current Consumption: 23mA Receive 9.5mA Oscillator
♦ 0.5µA Shutdown Mode
♦ Operates from Single +2.7V to +4.8V Supply
Cordless Phones
Spread-Spectrum Communications
Wireless Telemetry
Two-Way Paging
Wireless Networks