Tyco Electronics
The MA4E2099-1284 Bridge Octoquad is offered for high dynamic range applications. This device is constructed with Silicon High Barrier Schottky Diodes fabricated with the patented Heterolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (HMIC) process to ensure electrical characteristics uniformity for each junction. HMIC circuits consist of Silicon pedestals which form diodes or via conductors embedded in a glass dielectric, which acts as the low dispersion, low loss, microstrip transmission medium. The combination of silicon and glass allows HMIC devices to have excellent loss and power dissipation characteristics in a low profile, reliable device.
◾ Designed for High Dynamic Range Applications
◾ Low Parasitic Capitance and Inductance
◾ Low Parasitic Resistance
◾ Recommended for DC-12GHz
◾ Uniform Electrical Characteristics with Each Junction
◾ Rugged HMIC Construction with Polyimide Scratch
The devices can be used in higher power mixer, detector, and
limiter circuits through 12 GHz.