Microsemi Corporation
The LXE1686-0x CCFL Inverter Evaluation Boards are designed to demonstrate Linfinity’s LX1686 Backlight Controller IC. It consists of a fully assembled and tested inverter circuit board. This design guide complements the LX1686 controller application note AN-13 that discusses the overall inverter design considerations. The purpose of the evaluation board is to allow a designer to quickly modify the basic inverter circuit to match his LCD panel requirements. It will allow easy customization of the inverter’s input and output characteristics to optimize the inverter design.
• Vertical frame rate synchronization input: programmable to accept 45 to 500Hz
• Brightness control input: linear DC control input
• Direct PWM dimming input: logic level 100 to
1000Hz PWM, lamp current burst mode
• Digital brightness control: wide range dimming,
lamp current burst mode control
• Analog brightness control: limited dimming,
traditional lamp current amplitude control
• Reverse dimming control: positive or negative
control action
• Lamp current regulation input: operational error
• Over-voltage sensing input: optional hardware
configurable for voltage and/or current
• Open lamp sensing input: open lamp detection and
strike mode activation
• Dual output FET gate driver: dual N-channel power
FET required
• Inverter enable/disable input: control inverter on/off
state, low off state sleep current