SANYO -> Panasonic
The LV1110NM is a digital surround processor IC developed for miniature stereo components and radio-cassette combinations. The major features built into this Bi-CMOS single-chip solution are function switching, recording volume control, surround processing, karaoke processing, 3-band graphic equalizer, and master volume control.
• The built-in delay functions include input and output filters, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, delay lines with built-in memory, and delay reverberation. Other functions available are fixed matrix (L+R and L-R) and front mixing (choice of level or phase). These functions may be freely combined to easily produce a variety of surround modes and thus simulate a wide range of acoustic environments.
• The built-in karaoke functions include a vocal canceler, microphone echo, key control I/O, and other support for audio multiplexing software.
• Input function switching (Five channels with built-in 6-dB amplifier)
• Two REC output pins with volume controls (Two channels with on/off switches and choice of function output or mixer output)
• Input switching (choice of L+R, L–R, and L or R only)
• Microphone input (on/off)
• Vocal canceler
• Key control I/O pins
• Front addition (+3 dB, –3 dB, –5 dB, mute)
• I/O filters in delay block (choice of 2-, 5-, and 28-kHz low pass filters or through operation)
• Reverberation functions (with built-in volume control)
• Built-in SRAM (8 kilobytes)
• Variable delay (choice of 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 100, and 120 ms)
• Built-in VDD
• I/O through or mute
• Three-band graphic equalizer (boost or cut with three steps each)
• Master volume control from 0 to –79 dB in 1-dB steps
• QIP-64E package with 0.8-mm pin pitch