Linear Technology
The LTC®4212 is a Hot SwapTM controller that allows a board to be safely inserted and removed from a live backplane. An internal high side switch driver controls the gate of an external N-channel MOSFET for supply voltages ranging from 2.5V to 16.5V. The LTC4212 provides softstart and inrush current limiting during the start-up period. It features a power-up timeout circuit that disconnects the system supply when the onboard supplies do not enter into regulation within a programmable time-out period.
■ Allows Safe Board Insertion and Removal
from a Live Backplane
■ Controls Supply Voltages from 2.5V to 16.5V
■ Programmable Soft-Start with Inrush Current
Limiting, No External Gate Capacitor Required
■ Faster Turn-Off Time Because No External Gate
Capacitor is Required
■ Power Good Input with Programmable Timer and
Glitch Filter
■ Power-Up Circuit Interfaces with an External Supply
Monitor IC or with the PGOOD pin of a DC/DC
■ Dual Level Overcurrent Fault Protection
■ Automatic Retry or Latched Mode Operation
■ High Side Drive for an External N-Channel FET
■ Electronic Circuit Breaker
■ Hot Board Insertion and Removal
■ Self-Isolating Hot Swap Boards