Linear Technology
The LTC®1569-6 is a 10th order lowpass filter featuring linear phase and a root raised cosine amplitude response. The high selectivity of the LTC1569-6 combined with its linear phase in the passband makes it suitable for filtering both in data communications and data acquisition systems. Furthermore, its root raised cosine response offers the optimum pulse shaping for PAM data communications. The filter attenuation is 50dB at 1.5 • fCUTOFF, 60db at 2 • fCUTOFF, and in excess of 80dB at 6 • fCUTOFF. DCaccuracy-sensitive applications benefit from the 5mV maximum DC offset.
■ One External R Sets Cutoff Frequency
■ Root Raised Cosine Response
■ 3mA Supply Current with a Single 3V Supply
■ Up to 64kHz Cutoff on a Single 3V Supply
■ 10th Order, Linear Phase Filter in an SO-8
■ DC Accurate, VOS(MAX) = 5mV
■ Low Power Modes
■ Differential or Single-Ended Inputs
■ 80dB CMRR (DC)
■ 82dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio, VS = 5V
■ Operates from 3V to ±5V Supplies
■ Data Communication Filters for 3V Operation
■ Linear Phase and Phase Matched Filters for I/Q Signal Processing
■ Pin Programmable Cutoff Frequency Lowpass Filters