Linear Technology
The LTC1283 is a 3V data acquisition component which contains a serial I/O successive approximation A/D converter. It uses LTCMOSTM switched capacitor technology to perform either 10-bit unipolar, or 9-bit plus sign bipolar A/D conversions. The 8-channel input multiplexer can be configured for either single-ended or differential inputs (or combinations thereof). An on-chip sample-and-hold is included for all single-ended input channels.
■ Single Supply 3.3V or ±3.3V Operation
■ Software Programmable Features:
Unipolar/Bipolar Conversions
4 Differential/8 Single-Ended Inputs
MSB- or LSB-First Data Sequence
Variable Data Word Length
■ Built-In Sample-and-Hold
■ Direct 4-Wire Interface to Most MPU Serial Ports and all MPU Parallel Ports
■ 15kHz Maximum Throughput Rate