Linear Technology
The LT®3476 is a quad output DC/DC converter designed to operate as a constant-current source for driving high current LEDs. A fixed frequency, current mode architecture results in stable operation over a wide range of supply and output voltages. A frequency adjust pin allows the user to program switching frequency between 200kHz and 2MHz to optimize effi ciency and external component size.
■ True Color PWMTM Dimming Delivers Up to 5000:1
Dimming Ratio (In Boost Confi guration)
■ LED Current Regulation with High-Side Sense
■ VADJ Pin Accurately Sets LED Current Sense
Threshold Over Range 10mV to 120mV
■ Four Independent Driver Channels with 1.5A, 36V
Internal NPN Switches
■ Frequency Adjust Pin: 200kHz to 2MHz
■ High Effi ciency Conversion = Up to 96%
■ Open LED Protection
■ Low Quiescent Current
22mA in Active Mode
<10μA in Shutdown Mode
■ Wide VIN Range: 2.8V to 16V
■ Thermally Enhanced, 38-Lead, 5mm × 7mm
QFN Package
■ RGGB Lighting
■ Automotive and Avionic Lighting
■ TFT LCD Backlighting
■ Constant-Current Sources