Linear Technology
The LT®1580 is a 7A low dropout regulator designed to power the new generation of microprocessors. The drop out voltage of this device is 100mV at light loads rising to just 540mV at 7A. To achieve this dropout, a second low current input voltage 1V greater than the output voltage, is required. The device can also be used as a single supply device where dropout is comparable to an LT1584.
■ Low Dropout, 540mV at 7A Output Current
■ Fast Transient Response
■ Remote Sense
■ 1mV Load Regulation
■ Fixed 2.5V Output and Adjustable Output
■ No Supply Sequencing Problems in Dual Supply Mode
■ Microprocessor Supplies
■ Post Regulators for Switching Supplies
■ High Current Regulators
■ 5V to 3.XXV for Pentium® Processors Operating at 90MHz to 166MHz and Beyond
■ 3.3V to 2.9V for Portable Pentium Processor
■ PowerPC™ Series Power Supplies