❐ Memory densities: 15, 30, 60Mbit
❐ 150MHz Max clock rate
❐ Independent Read and Write ports:
• Supports simultaneous read/write operations
• Enables buffering across clock domains
❐ Operating Modes:
• Single-channel FIFO w/ Asynchronous I/O
• Dual independent FIFOs w/ Asynchronous I/O
❐ Flexible Write/Read Pointer Manipulation
• W/R address pointer Clear/Set
• W/R address pointers can be overridden in real time using external 24bit address port
• TRS detection for auto-clearing of Write pointer
• W/R memory access Enable/Disable
• Input enable control (Write Masking) for freeze frame control
❐ Selectable I/O VDD = 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V
❐ Selectable Core VDD = 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V
❐ 172 ball FBGA package (15 x 15 x 1.4mm)
❐ Depth expansion is supported for Multi-frame HDTV, Multiframe SDTV, and other formats:
• Seamless address space is maintained with up to 12 cascaded devices
❐ Near-Full/Empty Flags With Programmable Thresholds
❐ Collide Flag alerts User of W/R pointer crossings
❐ I2C Serial Microprocessor Interface
❐ Output Enable Control (Data Skipping)
❐ JTAG Boundary Scan - IEEE 1149.1
❐ Frame buffer for common HD formats (720p, 1080i, 1080p)
❐ HDTV / SDTV Frame Synchronization
❐ HDTV Display Buffer
❐ Time Base Correction (TBC)
❐ Freeze-Frame Buffer
❐ Picture-in-Picture (PIP) Buffer
❐ Frame Rate Conversion
❐ Security Camera Systems
❐ Field-Based or Frame-Based Comb Filtering
❐ HD Video Capture & Editing Systems
❐ Deep Data Buffering
❐ Image Manipulation (Rotation, Zoom)
❐ Test Pattern Generation
❐ Motion Detection or Frame-to-Frame Correlation