LC876572A 데이터시트 - SANYO -> Panasonic

SANYO -> Panasonic
The LC876572A and LC876564A are 8 bit single chip microcontrollers with the following on-chip functional blocks :
- CPU: operable at a minimum bus cycle time of 100 ns
- On-chip ROM Maximum Capacity : LC876572A 72K bytes
LC876564A 64K bytes
- On-chip RAM: 2048 bytes
- VFD automatic display controller / driver
- 16 bit timer / counter (can be divided into two 8 bit timers)
- 16 bit timer / PWM (can be divided into two 8 bit timers)
- timer for use as date / time clock
- synchronous serial I/O port (with automatic block transmit / receive function)
- asynchronous / synchronous serial I/O port
- 12-channel ×8-bit AD converter
- Weak signal detector
- 15-source 10-vectored interrupt system
All of the above functions are fabricated on a single chip.
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