SANYO -> Panasonic
The LC7041 is the central IC to the ID LOGIC Module and Electronic Tuning Radio.
It performs the interface between the receiver’s main microprocessor and ID LOGIC’s 256kB database ROM and its 2kB update RAM. The LC7041 also contains the PhaseLocked Loop (PLL) circuitry responsible for electronic tuning and it offers several I/O ports.
The LC7041 permits the easy integration of the ID LOGIC Module in a receiver. It contains all the appropriate software to send and receive serial instructions and data to and from the receiver’s main microprocessor. An instruction is given simply by having the main microprocessor send a one byte-long function code followed, when necessary, by the appropriate data. Upon execution, the LC7041 returns its response data, if any, to the microprocessor for display or other processing. Further the SUPER DX search control function is added to the LC7041.
It is necessary to enter into an “ID LOGIC Licensing Contract” with PRS. Corp. before sample devices can be shipped.