Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
Quad Clocked «D» Latch
High-Voltage Silicon-Gate CMOS
KK4042B types contain four latch circuits, each strobed by a common clock. Complementary buffered outputs are available from each circuit. The impedance of the n- and p-channel output devices is balanced and all outputs are electrically identical. Information present at the data input is transferred to outputs Q and Q during the CLOCK level which is programmed by the POLARITY input. For POLARITY = 0 the transfer occurs during the 0 CLOCK level and for POLARITY = 1 the transfer occurs during the 1 CLOCK level. The outputs follow the data input providing the CLOCK and POLARITY levels defined above are present. When a CLOCK transition occurs (positive for POLARITY = 0 and negative for POLARTY = 1) the information present at the input during the CLOCK transition is retained at the outputs until an opposite CLOCK transition occurs.
The KK4042B types are supplied in 16-lead hermetic dual-in-line ceramic packages (D and F suffixes); 16-lead dual-in-line plastic package (E suffix), and in chip form (H suffix).
• Operating Voltage Range: 3.0 to 18 V
• Maximum input current of 1 µA at 18 V over full package
temperature range; 100 nA at 18 V and 25°C
• Noise margin (over full package temperature range):
1.0 V min @ 5.0 V supply
2.0 V min @ 10.0 V supply
2.5 V min @ 15.0 V supply