IN74LV374N 데이터시트 - Integral Corp.

Integral Corp.
IN74LV374 are compatible by pinning with KP555ИР23, КР1533ИР13, IN74HC374A and IN74HCT374A series. Input voltage levels are compatible with standard CMOS levels.
• Output voltage levels are compatible with input levels of CMOS, NMOS and TTL ICS.
• Supply voltage range from 2.0 to 3.2 V
• LOW input current: 1.0 µА; 0.1 µА at Т = 25 °С
• Output current 8 mА
• Latch current value not less than 150 mА at Т = 125 °С
• ESD acceptable values: not less than 2000 V as per HBM, and not less than 200 V as per MM
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