Integrated Circuit Systems
The ICS83905 is a low skew, 1-to-6 LVCMOS / LVTTL Fanout Buffer and a member of the HiPerClockS™ family of High Performance Clock Solutions from ICS. The ICS83905 single ended clock input accepts LVCMOS or LVTTL input levels. The low impedance LVCMOS/LVTTL outputs are designed to drive 50Ω series or parallel terminated transmission lines. The effective fanout can be increased from 6 to 12 by utilizing the ability of the outputs to drive two series terminated lines.
• 6 LVCMOS / LVTTL outputs
• Crystal oscillator interface
• Output frequency range: 10MHz to 50MHz
• Crystal input frequency range: 10MHz to 50MHz
• Output skew: 10ps (typical)
• 5V tolerant enable inputs
• Synchronous output enables
• Operating supply modes: Full 3.3V, 2.5V and 1.8V, mixed 3.3Vcore/2.5V or1.8V operating supply, and mixed 2.5V core/1.8V operating supply
• 0°C to 70°C ambient operating temperature
• Lead-Free package fully RoHS compliant
• Pin compatible to MPC905
• Industrial version available upon request