Integrated Circuit Systems
The ICS503 is a member of the LOCO™ family, the most cost effective way to generate a high quality, high frequency clock output from a low frequency crystal or clock input. The name LOCO stands for LOw Cost Oscillator, as it is designed to replace crystals and crystal oscillators in most electronic systems. Using Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL) techniques, the device uses a standard fundamental mode, inexpensive crystal to produce output clocks up to 160 MHz.
• Packaged as 8 pin SOIC or die
• ICS’ lowest cost PLL clock family
• Generates 16.9344 MHz for stereo codecs from the 14.31818 MHz motherboard clock
• Can be cost effective in replacing a single surface-mount crystal
• Can be driven by other 5xx series
• Input crystal frequency of 5 - 27 MHz
• Input clock frequency of 2 - 50 MHz
• Output clock frequencies up to 160 MHz
• Low jitter - 50 ps one sigma
• Duty cycle of 45/55 up to 160 MHz
• Operating voltages of 3.0 to 5.5V
• Full CMOS level outputs with 25mA drive capability at TTL levels
• Advanced, low power CMOS process