Holtek Semiconductor
General Description
The HT46R64/HT46C64 are 8-bit, high performance, RISC architecture microcontroller devices specifically
designed for A/D product applications that interface directly to analog signals and which require LCD Interface. The mask version HT46C64 is fully pin and functionally compatible with the OTP version HT46R64 device.
Operating voltage:
fSYS=4MHz: 2.2V~5.5V
fSYS=8MHz: 3.3V~5.5V
24 bidirectional I/O lines
Two external interrupt input
One 8-bit and one 16-bit programmable timer/event counter with PFD (programmable frequency divider)
LCD driver with 333or324 segments(logical output option for SEG0~SEG15)
4K15 program memory
1928 data memory RAM
Supports PFD for sound generation
Real Time Clock (RTC)
8-bit prescaler for RTC
Watchdog Timer
Buzzer output
On-chip crystal, RC and 32768Hz crystal oscillator
HALT function and wake-up feature reduce power consumption
8-level subroutine nesting
8 channels 10-bit resolution A/D converter
4-channel 8-bit PWM output shared with 4 I/O lines
Bit manipulation instruction
16-bit table read instruction
Up to 0.5s instruction cycle with 8MHz system clock
63 powerful instructions
All instructions in 1 or 2 machine cycles
Low voltage reset/detector function
52-pin QFP, 56-pin SSOP, 100-pin LQFP packages