Analog Devices
General Description
The HMC564LC4 is a high dynamic range GaAs pHEMT MMIC Low Noise Amplifier housed in a leadless RoHS compliant 4x4 mm SMT package. Operating from 7 to 14 GHz, the HMC564LC4 features extremely flat small signal gain of 17 dB as well as 1.8 dB noise figure and +25 dBm output IP3 across the operating band. This self-biased LNA is ideal for microwave radios due to its consistent output power, single +3V supply operation, and DC blocked RF I/O’s.
Noise Figure: 1.8 dB
Gain: 17 dB
OIP3: 25 dBm
Single Supply: +3V @ 51 mA
50 Ohm Matched Input/Output
RoHS Compliant 4 x 4 mm Package
Typical Applications
The HMC564LC4 is ideal for use as a LNA or driver amplifier for:
• Point-to-Point Radios
• Point-to-Multi-Point Radios & VSAT
• Test Equipment and Sensors
• Military & Space