Analog Devices
General Description
The HmC409lp4e are high efficiency GaAs inGap HBT mmiC power amplifiers operating from 3.3 to 3.8 GHz. The amplifier is packaged in a low cost, leadless smT package. Utilizing a minimum of external components the amplifier provides 31 dB of gain and +32.5 dBm of saturated power from a +5V supply voltage. The power control (Vpd) can be used for full power down or rf output power/current control. for +22 dBm ofDm output power (64 QAm, 54 mbps), the HmC409lp4e achieve an error vector magnitude (eVm) of 2%, meeting wimAX 802.16 linearity requirements.
Gain: 31 dB
40% pAe @ +32.5 dBm pout
2% eVm @ pout = +22 dBm
with 54mbps ofDm signal
+46 dBm output ip3
integrated power Control (Vpd)
single +5V supply
Typical Applications
This amplifier is ideal for use as a power
amplifier for 3.3 - 3.8 GHz applications:
• wimAX 802.16
• fixed wireless Access
• wireless local loop