HM100P03K 데이터시트 - ETC

[Shenzhen H&M Semiconductor Co.Ltd]
The HM100P03K uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), This device is suitable for use as a load switch or power management.
General Features
● VDS = -30V,ID = -100A
RDS(ON) <9mΩ @ VGS=-10V
● High power and current handing capability
● Lead free product is acquired
● Surface mount package
● Power management
● Load switch
High Power and current handing capability
Silikron Semiconductor Co.,LTD.
High Power and current handing capability
Silikron Semiconductor Co.,LTD.
High Power and current handing capability
Silikron Semiconductor Co.,LTD.
High Power and current handing capability
Silikron Semiconductor Co.,LTD.
High Power and current handing capability
Silikron Semiconductor Co.,LTD.
High Power and current handing capability
Silikron Semiconductor Co.,LTD.
High Power and current handing capability
Silikron Semiconductor Co.,LTD.
High Power and current handing capability
Silikron Semiconductor Co.,LTD.
High Power and current handing capability
Silikron Semiconductor Co.,LTD.
High power and current handing capability