Hitachi -> Renesas Electronics
The HD404344R series and HD404394 series 4-bit microcomputers are products of the HMCS400 series, which is designed to make application systems compact while realizing higher performance and increasing program productivity.
• Input/output pins
― HD404344R series, HD4074344: 22 pins
(10pins: Large-current I/O pins)
― HD404394 series: 21 pins
(3 pins: intermediate-voltage NMOS open drain I/O; 5 pins: NMOS open drain I/O with 15-mA high-current driver)
• Two timer/counters
― One timer output
― One event counter input (with programmable edge detection)
• 8-bit clock-synchronous serial interface (1 channel)
• On-chip A/D converter
― HD404344R series, HD4074344: 8 bit × 4 channel
― HD404394 series: 8 bit × 3 channel (with Vref pin)
• Built-in oscillator
― HD404344R Series
Ceramic oscillator, CR oscillation, External clock drive is also possible.
― HD404394 Series, HD4074344
Ceramic oscillator, External clock drive is also possible.
• Five interrupt sources
― One by external source (with programmable edge detection)
― Four by internal sources
• Subroutine stack
― Maximum 16 levels including interrupts
• Two low-power dissipation modes
― Standby mode
― Stop mode
• One input signal to return from stop mode
• Instruction cycle time
― 1 µs (fOSC = 4 MHz)