Renesas Electronics
The HD-4702 Bit Rate Generator provides the necessary clock signals for digital data transmission systems, such as a UART. It generates 13 commonly used bit rates using an onchip crystal oscillator or an external input. For conventional operation generating 16 output clock pulses per bit period, the input clock frequency must be 2.4576MHz (i.e. 9600 Baud x 16 x 16, since there is an internal ³ 16 prescaler). A lower input frequency will result in a proportionally lower output frequency.
• HD-4702 Provides 13 Commonly Used Bit Rates
• Uses a 2.4576MHz Crystal/Input for Standard Frequency Output (16 Times Bit Rate)
• Low Power Dissipation
• Conforms to EIA RS-404
• One HD-4702 Controls up to Eight Transmission Channels
• Initialization Circuit Facilitates Diagnostic Fault Isolation
• On-Chip Input Pull-Up Circuit