Gamma Microelectronics Inc.
GM6251 combines high accuracy with very low power consumption, and provides high output current even when the application requires extremely low input-output voltage dropout. GM6251 includes a precision voltage reference, an error correction circuit, over-temperature protection, and a current limited output driver.
Fast transient response to load variations provides excellent stability under dynamic loads.
GM6251 comes in SOT-25 (150mW), TO92 and SOT-89 (500mW).
◆ Maximum output current up 300mA
◆ Output voltage from 1.5V to 5.0V in 0.1V increments
◆ Output voltage accuracy : ±2%
◆ CMOS low power consumption, typically 1.0µA at VOUT = 5.0V
◆ Input stability: typically 0.2%/V
◆ Ultra low dropout voltage: 0.38V @ IOUT = 200mV at VOUT = 5.0V
◆ SOT-25 (150mW), SOT-89 (500mW) and TO-92 packages
Portable Cameras
Video Recorders
Battery Powered Equipment
Reference Voltage Sources