CML Microsystems Plc
Brief Description
The FX002 is a single-chip device to extract single periodic signals from very high random-noise environments.
Using patented autocorrelation techniques the FX002 will enhance the input signals signal-to-noise ratio by as much as 8.5dB and provide a digital output signal centred at four times (x4) the input frequency.
● Up to 8.5dB Signal-to-Noise Improvement
● Input Frequency Range: 17Hz to 13kHz [Sub-Audio and Audio Frequencies]
● Low-Voltage Operation: 2.5 Volts
● 10mVrms Minimum Signal Input
● Digital Output Signal (fIN x 4)
● ‘Divided-Down’ Clock Outputs
● Radio Communications and Paging Systems
● Tone Detection
● Sonar Detection and Analysis
● Slow Data-Rate Communications
● Medical Equipment
● Interference Investigation