The ADIS16334 iSensor® is a complete inertial system that includes a triaxial gyroscope and triaxial accelerometer. Each sensor in the ADIS16334 combines iMEMS® technology with signal conditioning that optimizes dynamic performance. The factory calibration characterizes each sensor for sensitivity, bias, alignment, and linear acceleration (gyro bias). As a result, each sensor has its own dynamic compensation formulas that provide accurate sensor measurements over a temperature range of −20°C to +70°C.
Triaxial digital gyroscope with digital range scaling
±75°/sec, ±150°/sec, ±300°/sec settings
Tight orthogonal alignment: <0.05°
Triaxial digital accelerometer: ±5 g
Wide sensor bandwidth: 330 Hz
Autonomous operation and data collection
No external configuration commands required
Start-up time: 180 ms
Factory-calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
Calibration temperature range: −20°C to +70°C
SPI-compatible serial interface
Embedded temperature sensor
Programmable operation and control
Automatic and manual bias correction controls
Bartlett window FIR filter length, number of taps
Digital I/O: data ready, alarm indicator, general-purpose
Alarms for condition monitoring
Enable external sample clock input: up to 1.2 kHz
Single-command self-test
Single-supply operation: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
2000 g shock survivability
24 mm × 33 mm × 11 mm module with connector interface
Operating temperature range: −40°C to +105°C
Medical instrumentation
Platform controls