White Electronic Designs => Micro Semi
The EDI2KG64128VxxD is a Synchronous SRAM, 60 position Card Edge DIMM (120 contacts) Module, organized as 4x128Kx64. The Module contains eight (8) Synchronous Burst Ram Devices, packaged in the industry standard JEDEC 14mmx20mm TQFP placed on a Multilayer FR4 Substrate. The module architecture is defined as a Synchronous Only, Flow-Through, Early Write Device. This module provides High Performance, Ultra Fast access times at a cost per bit benefi t over BiCMOS Asynchronous SRAM based devices. As well as improved cost per bit, the use of Synchronous or Synchronous Burst devices or modules can ease the memory subsystem design by reducing or easing the memory controller requirement.
■ 4x128Kx64 Synchronous
■ Access Speed(s): TKHQV = 9.5, 10, 11, 12, 15ns
■ Flow-Through Architecture
■ Clock Controlled Registered Bank Enables (E1#, E2#, E3#, E4#)
■ Clock Controlled Registered Address
■ Clock Controlled Registered Global Write (GW#)
■ Aysnchronous Output Enable (G#)
■ Internally self-timed Write
■ Gold Lead Finish
■ 3.3V +10%, -5% Operation
■ Access Speed(s): tKHQV = 9.5, 10, 11, 12, 15ns
■ Common Data I/O
■ High Capacitance (30pf) drive, at rated Access Speed
■ Single total array Clock
■ Multiple Vcc and GND