HP => Agilent Technologies
This digital radio receiver module provides the RF receive and down conversion function for 23 GHz digital radios. These modules offer excellent phase noise performance and can be easily phase locked to a frequency reference. The receiver module provides an output power of 3␣ dBm at the IF frequency and is ideal for use in radios using 2 and 4 level FSK modulation.
• Low Noise PHEMT MMIC Front End Amplifier
• Image Reject Mixer
• Integrated Silicon Bipolar VCO Local Oscillator
• Low Phase Noise
• Operated Over -30°C to +70°C
• Excellent Tuning Linearity
• Sample Output for Phase Locking
This digital radio receiver module provides the total RF receive and down conversion function in radios operating in the 21.2 to 23.6␣ GHz band.