Digital Core Design
DP8051CPU is an ultra high performance, speed optimized soft core of a single chip 8-bit embedded controller dedicated for operation with fast (typically on-chip) and slow (off-chip) memories. The core has been designed with a special concern about performance to power consumption ratio. This ratio is extended by an advanced power manage ment unit PMU.
DP8051CPU soft core is 100% binary compatible with the industry standard 8051 8-bit microcontroller. There are two configurations of DP8051CPU: Harward where internal data and program buses are separated, and von Neumann with common program and external data bus. DP8051CPU has Pipelined RISC architecture 10 times faster compared to standard architecture and executes 85-200 million instructions per second. This performance can also be exploited to great advantage in low power applications where the core can be clocked over ten times more slowly than the original implementation for no performance penalty.
DP8051CPU is delivered with fully automated testbench and complete set of tests allowing easy package validation at each stage of SoC design flow.
● 100% software compatible with industry standard 8051
● Pipelined RISC architecture enables to execute instructions 10 times faster com pared to standard 8051
● 24 times faster multiplication
● 12 times faster addition
● Up to 256 bytes of internal (on-chip) Data Memory
● Up to 64K bytes of internal (on-chip) or external (off-chip) Program Memory
● Up to 16M bytes of external (off-chip) Data Memory
● User programmable Program Memory Wait States solution for wide range of memories speed
● User programmable External Data Memory Wait States solution for wide range of memories speed
● De-multiplexed Address/Data bus to allow easy connection to memory
● Dedicated signal for Program Memory writes.
● Interface for additional Special Function Registers
● Fully synthesizable, static synchronous design with positive edge clocking and no internal tri-states
● Scan test ready
● 2.0 GHz virtual clock frequency in a 0.25u technological process