Cypress Semiconductor
Functional Description
The CY7C265 is a 8192 x 8 registered PROM. It is organized as 8,192 words by 8 bits wide, and has a pipeline output register. In addition, the device features a programmable initialize byte that may be loaded into the pipeline register with the initialize signal. The programmable initialize byte is the 8,193rd byte in the PROM and its value is programmed at the time of use.
• CMOS for optimum speed/power
• High speed (Commercial)
— 15 ns address set-up
— 12 ns clock to output
• Low power
— 660 mW (Commercial)
• On-chip edge-triggered registers
— Ideal for pipelined microprogrammed systems
• EPROM technology
— 100% programmable
— Reprogrammable (CY7C265W)
• 5V ±10% VCC, commercial and military
• Capable of withstanding >2001V static discharge
• Slim 28-pin, 300-mil plastic or hermetic DIP