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eleflow technologies co., ltd.
N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended for use in class-A, AB and B operated HF and VHF transmitters with a nominal supply voltage of 28 V. The transistor is resistance stabilized and is guaranteed to withstand severe load mismatch conditions.
It has a 3/8" flange envelope with a ceramic cap. All leads are isolated from the flange.
HF/VHF power transistor
Philips Electronics
HF/VHF power transistor
HF/VHF power transistor
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
HF/VHF power transistor
Philips Electronics
HF/VHF power transistor
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
HF/VHF power transistor
Philips Electronics
HF/VHF power transistor
Philips Electronics
HF/VHF power transistor
eleflow technologies co., ltd.
HF/VHF power transistor
New Jersey Semiconductor
HF/VHF power transistor
eleflow technologies co., ltd.