The MLSC series was designed for applications directly linked to a power source / voltage source (e.g. battery, clamp 30 in automotive applications) and safety relevant application without (integrated) current limitation.
▪ The MLSC (Multi Layer Serial Ceramic Capacitor) consists of two serial connected capacitors
in one component
▪ Due to the special design the probability of a short circuit is much reduced
- in case of a bending crack
- in many cases of an assembling crack
- in many cases of a solder shock crack
▪ The MLSC meets the requirements of automotive manufacturers for a (redundant) serial
connection of two capacitors, if the application is directly connected to the battery, in one
▪ Reduced number of components leads to
- increased reliability
- place saving on the PCB
- reduced assembling time
▪ The MLSC is based on established MLCC technology, but with more robust design. This
MLCC technology offers highest reliability (ppb-rate) and long term field experience.
▪ The MLSC offers high reliability due to more stringent process control and end of line testing,
which enables the achievement of a 10 ppb level for the application failure rate (measure: 0
mileage and field), see chapter ppb – Level Assurance System page 12.
▪ The MLSC meets AEC-Q200 requirements, see pages 7 – 11.
▪ The specified bending strength is 2 mm according to piezo electric method (∆I measurement)
▪ The MLSC is suitable for applications with temperature requirements up to 150 °C with respect
to the voltage derating and short term temperature peaks up to 175 °C without load, see
chapter High Temperature Application page 3.
▪ The MLSC is lead free in terms of RoHS.
▪ Nickel barrier termination
▪ BME technology
▪ The MLSC offers a selected range of capacitance in case size 0805 (rated voltage 50 V and
100 V).
Applications directly linked to a power source / voltage source and safety relevant application without (integrated) current limitation. Some examples:
▪ Automotive electronics (e.g. clamp 30, RF filter in small power motors, security control
systems or drive and engine control units)
▪ Power electronics (e.g. DC/DC converter)
▪ Mobile devices with battery / accumulator (e.g. filter at charging set)