B1566 데이터시트 - ROHM Semiconductor

ROHM Semiconductor
Power Transistor(-50V, -3A)
1) Low saturation voltage, typically VCE(sat) = -0.3V at IC / IB = -2A / -0.2A
2) Wide SOA (safe operating area).
3) Complements the 2SD2395.
Power Transistor(50V, 3A)
1) Low saturation voltage, typically VCE(sat) = 0.2V at IC / IB = 2A / 0.2A
2) Wide SOA (safe operating area).
3) Complements the 2SD1566.
Power Transistor (-50V, -3A)
Suntac Electronic
Power Transistor (−50V, −3A) ( Rev : 2009 )
ROHM Semiconductor
Power transistor (50V, 3A)
ROHM Semiconductor
Power Transistor(-50V,-3A)
Galaxy Semi-Conductor
Power Transistor (−50V, −3A)
ROHM Semiconductor
Power Transistor (−50V, −3A) ( Rev : RevA )
ROHM Semiconductor
Middle Power Transistor(-50V / -3A)
ROHM Semiconductor
Middle Power Transistor (50V / 3A)
ROHM Semiconductor
Midium Power Transistors (-50V / -3A)
ROHM Semiconductor
Middle Power Transistors (50V / 3A)
ROHM Semiconductor