The ANADIGICS ATA7603 is a –5.2 V high-speed transimpedance amplifier (TIA) designed for 10 Gb/s optical receiver applications available in bare die form and manufactured using an InGaP based HBT process. The device is used in conjunction with a photodetector to convert an optical signal into a differential output voltage that can be AC or DC coupled to a post amplifier. The ATA7603 has an internal overload support circuit and can accept optical inputs as high as +3 dBm. With its low noise and high optical overload capability, the device is well suited for 10 Gb/s Ethernet and OC-192 Very Short-Reach (VSR), Short-Reach, Intermediate-Reach and Long-Reach optical receivers, transceivers and transponders.
• 1800 Ω Differential Transimpedance
• 3 mApp Maximum Input Current
• 14 pA/√Hz Input Noise Current Density
• Single –5.2 V Power Supply
• Low Group Delay
• Outputs DC or AC Coupled
• SONET/SDH OC-192 /STM-64 VSR, Short-Reach, Intermediate-Reach, and Long-Reach Receivers
• 10 Gb/s Ethernet
• Fiber optic receivers, transceivers, and transponders